The type 80 filter canister was developed for the Israel Defense forces (IDF) to provide protection...
Weight: 228g (w/o caps)
Diameter: 106 mm
Height: 75 mm
Air Flow resistance: 14 mm water gauge at a flow of 30 lpm.
Aerosol penetration: <0.01%
CK gas life: 100 minutes (at flow of 30 lpm and inlet concentration of 2.4 mg/lt)
DMMP gas life: 250 minutes (at flow of 30 lpm and inlet concentration of 3.0 mg/lt)
Charcoal: ASC 12 x 30 complying with Mil-C-13724D.
Filter medium: Glass fibre HEPA media complying with Mil-F-51079D.
The production of type 80 filter canister is controlled by rigorous quality assurance test and procedures. Each filter canister is tested in the production line for air flow resistance, aerosol penetration leakage and workmanship, and cannot leave the factory without passing all these test. In adittion, QA laboratories perform gas-life test (cyanogen chloride, DMMP, chloropicrin, phosgene, HCN) on charcoal samples from each drum and on completed canister samples from each drum and or completed sampled from each production lot.
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